West Seattle Chiropractor, Dr. Nicole Tredanary

Dr. Nicole Tredanary
All my life I wanted to be a “doctor”. From as early as I can remember, when asked, what I wanted to be when I grew up, I always replied “a doctor”. However, it wasn’t until well into my undergraduate studies that I realized hospitals and sickness were not for me. I had also always been fascinated with exercise and nutrition. Following a natural approach to health and wellness truly inspired me to choose to become a chiropractic “doctor”.
I attended Washington State University and received a Bachelor of Science in Psychology as well as my pre-med prerequisites which included organic and inorganic chemistry, physics, anatomy and physiology. I will always remain proud of my alma mater, GO COUGS! I then went on to receive a Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic West. Palmer is the founder and developer of the wonderful practice that chiropractic is today. I also completed a licensed massage therapy program.
At Choice Chiropractic, I strive to provide all patients with quality and timely service. I use a variety of techniques to provide each patient with a truly individual approach to their particular condition. Having a diverse education including a degree in psychology, chiropractic and massage therapy helps me to see the body and mind as a whole and offer unique therapy that combines various techniques and produces excellent results.
I am an avid reader, I read about 3 books per month and belong to a book-club. I like to golf and play tennis in the warmer months. I am also a Seahawks fan and enjoy watching football every Sunday. I have 5 nieces and nephews who I love dearly and try to spoil them as often as possible.
I currently receive chiropractic care about one time per week and massage therapy 2 times per month. I feel it is imperative to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle, “if you don’t use it, you lose it” is a philosophy I emphatically live by. My profession requires me to bend, lift and lean over all day long, if I don’t actively maintain my own health, it would be impossible to continue helping others.
Thanks for visiting our site. I look forward to meeting you in person and learning how we may be of service to you. Give our office a call, or email me using the link below and let’s arrange a time to explore your options.